Sunday, February 15, 2009

New news: Waiting on Singapore's National Arts Council (NAC) to give me my busking license

I want to do this street chess thing, but when you're in a country like Singapore which has strict guidelines for street performances, you'd better err on the side of caution. Those of you who have clicked on the link will notice that chess is not exactly included in their list of approved activities. The NAC has every right to tell me "no" right off the bat, since chess isn't in their list of approved activities. But being the little pro-active bundle of activeness that I am (note: intended irony) I gave the nice people at NAC a call, and a nice lady named Christie told me that she would try to see what they could do, after I sent them an email explaining what my act was all about. So I did, on the 4th of February, 2009.

Eleven days later, I still have no reply, and this blog is languishing in the internet's backlanes while I await my fate at the hands of the bureaucracy created to administer art. (Before you scoff at government and art, think about the impact the CIA had on art during the Cold War era.)

So I thought, no reason why this blog should go to waste even as my efforts for toeing the legal line get stuck in the cogs of bureaucracy right? Therefore! Look forward to more regular posts from yours truly :)


  1. Support CHESS and the liberal arts! Give applause to those daring enough to take the first step out, like Kevin Seah =)

  2. Nice... The next possible way is to find an establishment to support you, like camp inside starbucks or sth.
